

At Swaffham Prior and Swaffham Bulbeck Schools, every child can grow and flourish in their learning, produce good things for their own lives and enrich the lives of others.


At Swaffham Prior and Swaffham Bulbeck Schools, every child can grow and flourish in their learning, produce good things for their own lives and enrich the lives of others. Information, experiences, ideas and feelings are sown not just in lessons but in the whole experience of living and growing together as a community so that children recognise their own gifts and abilities and value the gifts and abilities of others.

  • Children learn within a safe, caring community to develop compassion for others that celebrates the uniqueness and successes of all
  • Staff provide the highest possible standards of education and inspire pupils to wonder and reverence
  • Through broad and balanced experiences, we promote perseverance and endurance 
  • Christian values underpin our peaceful school within a culture of mutual respect, to ensure the happiness and personal growth of each individual
  • By working in partnership with families we nurture the whole child and provide a basis for a hopeful future for our pupils to develop into responsible and fulfilled members of society

We take a mastery approach to teaching and learning. Our curriculum is a progressive model in which there is a large amount of knowledge and skill in subject specific domains. Each subject revisits and builds upon prior learning leading to deeper understanding of core concepts. 

Our curriculum:

  • has a focus on subject-specific vocabulary
  • is knowledge rich
  • is taught to be remembered
  • is carefully sequenced 

Through the curriculum our children will:

  • develop independence and resilience, make mistakes and know that it is ok to do so and learn from them
  • be stretched beyond their comfort zone and be taught to manage risks with confidence
  • have opportunities to collaborate and reason
  • share their ideas and listen to alternative viewpoints
  • experience diversity of culture, faiths and nationality
  • learn about contrasting localities nationally and internationally
  • express curiosity and experience wonder in all areas of the curriculum

Every child derserves the best possible start in life and the support that enables them to fulfil their potential.' EYFS Framework, 2021.

Children are given an  early years education which ensures they have a secure and confident start to their school life and nurtures a lifelong love of learning. The learning opportunities provided widen their knowledge and understanding of the world setting ambitious expectations for all children. Through first hand experiences, children apply the skills they have been taught into their independent learning and play. We provide a rich language environment and help them to develop new and use new vocabulary. Through high quality interactions with adults, we build up relationships with the children; we listen, identify where they are, what they are interested in and what their next steps are  in order to guide them in their learning.

We follow a 2-year rolling programme with key areas mapped to allow for knowledge to be revisited.

Swaffham Bulbeck:

EYFS Long Term Plan Year A

EYFS Long Term Plan Year B

Swaffham Prior:

EYFS Long Term Plan Year A

EYFS Long Term Plan Year B

The National Curriculum sets out what children should know, understand and do in each year group in the following subjects: English, Maths, Science, Computing, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Music, Art and Design, Physical Education, Personal, Social and Health Education. 

We follow a 2-year rolling programme with key areas mapped to allow for knowledge to be revisited. Learning is carefully planned, sequenced and scaffolded to ensure it is accessible to all children. Within subjects, we select recommended and validated materials to support the teaching and learning. 

Long Term Overview Years 1 & 2

Long Term Overview Years 3 & 4

Long Term Overview Years 5 & 6

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